Tuesday, March 06, 2001

Emblems & Symbols

March 6, 2001
District # 8 Masonic Matters
This publication is printed with the permission of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge
Of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Minnesota.
Dear Brother,
It’s amazing how time flies when you’re enjoying life. Here it is March already, and
some of our snow is melting, our Grand Lodge communication is approaching fast; it will
be held on March 30 & 31 at the Kahler Grand Hotel in Rochester, Minnesota.
The Lodges in our District are Busy:
There is going to be Table Lodge to raise money for the scholarship program at Helios
Lodge in Cambridge, on March 10th. The donation is $30 per plate call Brother Roger
McNear at 763-689-3602 for reservations. Table Lodges are really something to attend
this is your chance.
There will be a First Degree coming up at Mora Lodge on March 26th Supper will be at
6:30 P.M. and Lodge will open on the 1° at 7:30 P.M.
There will be a Second Degree coming up on April 10th at Helios Lodge in Cambridge.
There will be 3 or so candidates. This will be a Degree you will surely want to see.
Supper will be at 6 P.M. and Lodge opens at 7 P.M.
Fraternal Lodge # 92 is right now hosting a Children’s I.D. Program in the Milaca School
Chisago Lodge # 232 will be celebrating their 101st anniversary this year. And Master
Charlie Hult has many worthwhile projects in mind for this year.
Mora Lodge is planning a Children’s I.D. program for the Mora and Ogilvie schools
coming up in April.
There will be a 50 year awards supper and presentation at Helios Lodge for W.B. Earl
Anderson and W.B. Harvey Hanson on Tuesday March 20th. Supper will be at 6:30 and
the award presentation and program will be in the dining room during supper. Lodge will
open at 7:30 P.M. Come to this event and relive some of the "Old times" with brothers
Earl and Harvey, and congratulate them on this important milestone in their lives.
This year at our Grand Lodge Annual Communication our good friend and Brother Right
Worshipful Brother Roger Taylor, if tradition prevails, will be elected and installed
Grand Master of our Grand Lodge.
The Masters and Wardens of each Lodge in Minnesota are members of the Grand Lodge,
and I look forward to seeing all of those fine Masons at the Grand Lodge
This election and Installation of R.W. Brother Roger will be an historic event for District
#8 and a very historic and important event in the life of our Brother. In 1924 M.W.
Brother James Markham of Jasper Lodge #164 was sworn in as Grand Master of Ancient
Free and Accepted Masons of Minnesota. Now 77 years later another of our Brothers,
Right Worshipful Brother Roger J. Taylor, (of Fraternal Lodge #92 and North Star Lodge
#23) from District #8 will be elevated to Grand Master of Ancient Free and Accepted
Masons of Minnesota, the highest office in Minnesota Freemasonry.
Lets all do our best to help our Brother, in his year, so that Minnesota Masonry prospers
and all of our Lodges enjoy the prosperity too.
If you are unable to be in Rochester Minnesota for the Grand Lodge Session and the
Installation of the Grand Lodge Officers you may want to send a note of congratulations
to our Brother Roger. His Address is:
R.W. Brother Roger J. Taylor
Take time TO PLAY
It is the secret of perpetual youth.
Take time TO READ
It is the fountain of wisdom.
Take time TO PRAY
It is the greatest power on earth.
It is a God-given privilege.
Take time TO LAUGH
It is the music of the soul.
Take time TO GIVE
It is too short a day to be selfish.
Take time TO WORK
It is the price of success.
Take time TO BE A MASON.
In the last issue of Masonic Matters I asked the question: "Emblem," What is an
Emblem? And is there a difference between an Emblem and a Symbol?
Some may have thought that I had forgotten that I had asked that question. Well here’s an
answer to the question.
An Emblem is a representation of something unknown or concealed by a sign or a thing
that is known. For instance the Square in Freemasonry is an Emblem of morality, the
Plumb Rule an Emblem for uprightness of conduct, and the Level an Emblem for
Although the words Emblem and Symbol are many times used synonymously, the words
don’t express exactly the same meaning.
A Symbol is more extensive in it’s application, it includes every representation of an idea
by an image. So what makes something a Symbol? They are Symbols because they stand
for something else or remind us of something. For instance the Octagon shape of a stop
sign is a Symbol we all recognize. The American Flag is a Symbol of the United States
of America. So Symbols are kind of like a quick way to remind us of something.
We could say that while all Emblems are Symbols, all Symbols are not Emblems.
The death of Harold Stassen, former Governor of Minnesota has been reported in the
national news this week, (he died Sunday March 4th). You might want to know that the
former Governor was our Brother; he was a member of Fellowship Shekinah Lodge #257
of St. Paul, MN
Masonic tradition tells us that our Brother Prince Hall was initiated on March 6th 1775
into the mysteries of Freemasonry in Lodge # 441 which was a Military Lodge working
in Massachusetts under the Grand Lodge of Ireland and attached to the 38th foot under
General Gage, of the British Army. The Master of the Lodge was Brother John B. Batt.
Grand Honors? What are private Grand honors? What are public Grand Honors? We’ll
discuss this in the next issue of Masonic Matters.
With Brotherly Love,
Ed Halpaus
Grand Lodge District Representative #8
