Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Unsubstantiated Charges - November 10, 2006

Masonic Matters
November 10, 2006

“Even the Lion has to defend himself against flies.” German Proverb

This publication, while it is printed with the permission of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of A.F. & A. M. of Minnesota, contains the writings and opinions of Ed Halpaus and is not in any way the opinion of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota.

“Unsubstantiated, universal gossip – as long as it is stimulating and titillating – always has an elemental appeal to the uncritical.” Mervin B. Hogan

We seem to be living in an age of unsubstantiated charges. Good examples of unsubstantiated charges are running wild in election campaigns, and they also run unbridled when it comes to the unsubstantiated charges made by the anti-Masons. It seems odd to me that we don’t have another name for these people. For the most part the movers and shakers of the anti-Masonic movement around the world are the enemies of Freemasonry, yet we use the name Masons in their name; anti-Masons. I wonder if this gives them some sort of pleasure or prestige to have claim to another version of the name, Mason.

The Internet is a great tool that is used by many Masons, including yours truly, to communicate with other Masons about things Masonic in a number of ways; private E-mails, postings to list servers and bulletin boards, as well as e-mail lists, which I personally have made extensive use of. It hasn’t been a secret about how great this Internet and E-mail is to get information out to those you would like to receive it, and now our enemies, the anti-Masons, are using it to send their messages of mis-information directly to Masons.

In one instance of this in particular, an anti-Mason gleaned many E-mail addressees of Freemasons from what appears to be a Grand Lodge Web Site. Having E-mail addresses published on a Grand Lodge Web Site is a desirable thing, and it does make it easy to be contacted by E-mail – even the e-mails we’d rather not get. However, developing a list of E-mail addresses for Masons who are active within a Grand Lodge does not seem to be a good audience for the diatribe circulated by the Anti-Masons. Even so I’m glad they send them because it’s good to know where they’re coming from and what their strategy is. Recently an E-mail was sent out by an anti-Mason to many Masons in one jurisdiction, and that is my reason for this article.

Many times the attack of an anti-Mason will begin in a very friendly manner, asking for information before telling the Mason about all the perceived evils of Masonry from the anti-Masons point of view. I once read, somewhere, some instructions to Christians in witnessing about the evils of Freemasonry; that they should not knock or attack an individual Mason, because that would be counter productive to the mission, but instead to attack the institution – the fraternity – as a whole. The philosophy is that most Masons don’t know as much about Freemasonry as the witnessing Christian. They think the Mason doesn’t know about the evils of being a Freemason, because those that run the fraternity don’t tell the average Mason what they are involved with. They think the average Mason has been duped by his Masonic Brothers.

Knowing this, I believe it is important to convey as much information to Masons, their families and friends, as we can about what Freemasonry is and isn’t, so that they will know a bunch of malarkey spread by anti-Masons when they hear it. I mention families, because it is my opinion that the wives and adult children of many Masons are extremely ignorant about things Masonic, and when they hear that there is so much to it that is evil and that their dad or husband has been kept in the dark by the world wide leaders of the Masonic conspiracy they might think what they’re hearing could be correct. And so they, with and for all the right reasons, will go to work on dad to leave the fraternity. And if dad is not active in his Lodge any longer, and for the most part pays his dues and has little to no contact with his Lodge Brothers, even though he doubts the veracity of what his family is saying, he might, and I stress might, demit from the Lodge to keep peace in the family. This action on his part really doesn’t change his life much, but it does get the family off his back about him being a Mason. He may not tell them what he knows about being prepared to be a Mason in his heart, and once made a Mason he will always be a Mason, and that his Lodge Brothers will not treat him any differently if he demits from his Lodge.

O.K. having said all of that, when an anti-Mason recently sent out his E-mail to Grand Lodge types he picked on the wrong crowd to tell about his perceived evils of the Craft. E-mail’s such as the one I am going to tell you about, (when you click on the link below,) show that anti-Masonry is alive and well in the world, and it is something we as individual Masons and as a fraternity need to be aware of, and pay attention to. The goal of the anti-Masons is to see the Freemasonry die, to cease to exist; it is not a game to them, they are very serious.

It is my opinion that if we continue to just smile and turn away, thinking ‘this too shall pass,’ we will be making a serious error; all we need to do is to look at the history in Europe over the past decades to know how serious and deadly the enemies of Freemasonry can be when the Freemasons are perceived as being in the way and hindering what they have in mind.

We dare not underestimate the anti-Masonic movement. The real pushes behind it are well versed in Masonry, albeit that they apply their own interpretation on our rituals and symbols, and there are times when they come off as knowing more about Freemasonry than the average Mason does. Where they make the most head-way is through the spouses, adult children, and good friends of our brethren; if the wife is against something the husband doesn’t continue with it for very long, if the adult kids start beating on dad about how bad the Masons are he many times, to keep peace in the family, will drop out; and if a Mason thinks he might lose a friend because of Freemasonry, if he’s not all that active, who knows what might end, the friendship or paying dues to something he’s not that active in. So the anti-Masonry of today is something serious, and we can’t afford to ignore it.

Many devout well know Christian Church Leaders have been and are Masons, and they saw no problem with being a Christian and a Mason.

Freemasons advocate tolerance, but there are some people involved in the fundamentalist sects of Christianity, as well as other religions, that are not tolerant of others, and because of that they have no time for people of other religions or of the Freemasons. These are the kind of people we are dealing with in the enemies of Freemasonry.

In a way we should be glad, I suppose, for anti-Masons; they keep us on our toes. They also prove that there is great interest in Masonry; otherwise they wouldn’t have an audience. We need to gear more of our information to the general public with good honest information to those who want information on Freemasonry, and to offset all the malarkey being spread by our enemies. We need Freemasons who are willing to do research on the charges of the anti-Masons so that they can write articles telling the truth about the charges; speak in Lodges about what the anti-Masons are saying and why it is not true, and to provide good information on Lodge and Grand Lodge Web Sites for Masons and non-Masons alike to learn what Masonry is all about from Freemasons.

I have written answers to the charges leveled by an anti-mason’s E-mail, and if you would like to read it just click on this link:

I am not attaching or including it in this issue of Masonic Matters because of its length. If you decide to read it I suggest that you might want to print it out and read it in sections as you have the time.

“Men will wrangle for religion; write for it; die for it; anything but – live it.” Colton

From the Great light of Masonry = “Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.” James 3:13 NIV

More Light – Mehr Licht ©, Masonic Matters © and T.F.S. ©, are sent out by E-mail at no charge to anyone who would like to receive them. If you enjoy these publications please share them with others. To subscribe to any one or all of these publications just send an E-mail to with Subscribe and the Title, or ‘all 3,’ in the subject line and you will be added to the list to receive the publication you want.

Thanks to Brother Kevin Kautzman, my friend and Brother, who designed and set up my web site. The website and the e-mail connected to it are up and working again. All the gremlins have been shooed away. Thank goodness for helpful Brethren who help the rest of us with computer problems. Here is a shameless plug for Brother Kevin: If you would like help with a web site he can help you.

For fun, relaxation and edification visit these web sites:

If you would like to read this issue of Masonic Matters in pdf click on this link:

With “Brotherly Love,”
Ed Halpaus
Grand Lodge Education Officer

Political Freedom, Religious Tolerance, Personal Integrity; Freemasonry – it’s not for everyone.

Anti-Masonry November 10, 2006

Masonic Matters
November 10, 2006

“Even the Lion has to defend himself against flies.” German Proverb

This publication, while it is printed with the permission of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of A.F. & A. M. of Minnesota, contains the writings and opinions of Ed Halpaus and is not in any way the opinion of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota.

“Unsubstantiated, universal gossip – as long as it is stimulating and titillating – always has an elemental appeal to the uncritical.” Mervin B. Hogan

We seem to be living in an age of unsubstantiated charges. Good examples of unsubstantiated charges are running wild in election campaigns, and they also run unbridled when it comes to the unsubstantiated charges made by the anti-Masons. It seems odd to me that we don’t have another name for these people. For the most part the movers and shakers of the anti-Masonic movement around the world are the enemies of Freemasonry, yet we use the name Masons in their name; anti-Masons. I wonder if this gives them some sort of pleasure or prestige to have claim to another version of the name, Mason.

The Internet is a great tool that is used by many Masons, including yours truly, to communicate with other Masons about things Masonic in a number of ways; private E-mails, postings to list servers and bulletin boards, as well as e-mail lists, which I personally have made extensive use of. It hasn’t been a secret about how great this Internet and E-mail is to get information out to those you would like to receive it, and now our enemies, the anti-Masons, are using it to send their messages of mis-information directly to Masons.

In one instance of this in particular, an anti-Mason gleaned many E-mail addressees of Freemasons from what appears to be a Grand Lodge Web Site. Having E-mail addresses published on a Grand Lodge Web Site is a desirable thing, and it does make it easy to be contacted by E-mail – even the e-mails we’d rather not get. However, developing a list of E-mail addresses for Masons who are active within a Grand Lodge does not seem to be a good audience for the diatribe circulated by the Anti-Masons. Even so I’m glad they send them because it’s good to know where they’re coming from and what their strategy is. Recently an E-mail was sent out by an anti-Mason to many Masons in one jurisdiction, and that is my reason for this article.

Many times the attack of an anti-Mason will begin in a very friendly manner, asking for information before telling the Mason about all the perceived evils of Masonry from the anti-Masons point of view. I once read, somewhere, some instructions to Christians in witnessing about the evils of Freemasonry; that they should not knock or attack an individual Mason, because that would be counter productive to the mission, but instead to attack the institution – the fraternity – as a whole. The philosophy is that most Masons don’t know as much about Freemasonry as the witnessing Christian. They think the Mason doesn’t know about the evils of being a Freemason, because those that run the fraternity don’t tell the average Mason what they are involved with. They think the average Mason has been duped by his Masonic Brothers.

Knowing this, I believe it is important to convey as much information to Masons, their families and friends, as we can about what Freemasonry is and isn’t, so that they will know a bunch of malarkey spread by anti-Masons when they hear it. I mention families, because it is my opinion that the wives and adult children of many Masons are extremely ignorant about things Masonic, and when they hear that there is so much to it that is evil and that their dad or husband has been kept in the dark by the world wide leaders of the Masonic conspiracy they might think what they’re hearing could be correct. And so they, with and for all the right reasons, will go to work on dad to leave the fraternity. And if dad is not active in his Lodge any longer, and for the most part pays his dues and has little to no contact with his Lodge Brothers, even though he doubts the veracity of what his family is saying, he might, and I stress might, demit from the Lodge to keep peace in the family. This action on his part really doesn’t change his life much, but it does get the family off his back about him being a Mason. He may not tell them what he knows about being prepared to be a Mason in his heart, and once made a Mason he will always be a Mason, and that his Lodge Brothers will not treat him any differently if he demits from his Lodge.

O.K. having said all of that, when an anti-Mason recently sent out his E-mail to Grand Lodge types he picked on the wrong crowd to tell about his perceived evils of the Craft. E-mail’s such as the one I am going to tell you about, (when you click on the link below,) show that anti-Masonry is alive and well in the world, and it is something we as individual Masons and as a fraternity need to be aware of, and pay attention to. The goal of the anti-Masons is to see the Freemasonry die, to cease to exist; it is not a game to them, they are very serious.

It is my opinion that if we continue to just smile and turn away, thinking ‘this too shall pass,’ we will be making a serious error; all we need to do is to look at the history in Europe over the past decades to know how serious and deadly the enemies of Freemasonry can be when the Freemasons are perceived as being in the way and hindering what they have in mind.

We dare not underestimate the anti-Masonic movement. The real pushes behind it are well versed in Masonry, albeit that they apply their own interpretation on our rituals and symbols, and there are times when they come off as knowing more about Freemasonry than the average Mason does. Where they make the most head-way is through the spouses, adult children, and good friends of our brethren; if the wife is against something the husband doesn’t continue with it for very long, if the adult kids start beating on dad about how bad the Masons are he many times, to keep peace in the family, will drop out; and if a Mason thinks he might lose a friend because of Freemasonry, if he’s not all that active, who knows what might end, the friendship or paying dues to something he’s not that active in. So the anti-Masonry of today is something serious, and we can’t afford to ignore it.

Many devout well know Christian Church Leaders have been and are Masons, and they saw no problem with being a Christian and a Mason.

Freemasons advocate tolerance, but there are some people involved in the fundamentalist sects of Christianity, as well as other religions, that are not tolerant of others, and because of that they have no time for people of other religions or of the Freemasons. These are the kind of people we are dealing with in the enemies of Freemasonry.

In a way we should be glad, I suppose, for anti-Masons; they keep us on our toes. They also prove that there is great interest in Masonry; otherwise they wouldn’t have an audience. We need to gear more of our information to the general public with good honest information to those who want information on Freemasonry, and to offset all the malarkey being spread by our enemies. We need Freemasons who are willing to do research on the charges of the anti-Masons so that they can write articles telling the truth about the charges; speak in Lodges about what the anti-Masons are saying and why it is not true, and to provide good information on Lodge and Grand Lodge Web Sites for Masons and non-Masons alike to learn what Masonry is all about from Freemasons.

I have written answers to the charges leveled by an anti-mason’s E-mail, and if you would like to read it just click on this link:

I am not attaching or including it in this issue of Masonic Matters because of its length. If you decide to read it I suggest that you might want to print it out and read it in sections as you have the time.

“Men will wrangle for religion; write for it; die for it; anything but – live it.” Colton

From the Great light of Masonry = “Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.” James 3:13 NIV

More Light – Mehr Licht ©, Masonic Matters © and T.F.S. ©, are sent out by E-mail at no charge to anyone who would like to receive them. If you enjoy these publications please share them with others. To subscribe to any one or all of these publications just send an E-mail to with Subscribe and the Title, or ‘all 3,’ in the subject line and you will be added to the list to receive the publication you want.

Thanks to Brother Kevin Kautzman, my friend and Brother, who designed and set up my web site. The website and the e-mail connected to it are up and working again. All the gremlins have been shooed away. Thank goodness for helpful Brethren who help the rest of us with computer problems. Here is a shameless plug for Brother Kevin: If you would like help with a web site he can help you.

For fun, relaxation and edification visit these web sites:

If you would like to read this issue of Masonic Matters in pdf click on this link:

With “Brotherly Love,”
Ed Halpaus
Grand Lodge Education Officer

Political Freedom, Religious Tolerance, Personal Integrity; Freemasonry – it’s not for everyone.


The Three C's - December 10, 2006

Masonic Matters
December 10, 2006

“It is only when men begin to worship that they begin to grow.”
President Calvin Coolidge-1922

This publication, while it is printed with the permission of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of A.F. & A. M. of Minnesota, contains the writings and opinions of Ed Halpaus and is not in any way the opinion of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota.

“I love a hand that meets my own with a grasp that causes some sensation.” F.S. Osgood

I bring you greetings from Most Worshipful Brother Steven R. Johnson, Grand Master of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Minnesota, and all of the Grand Lodge officers elected and appointed of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota.

To all our friends and Brothers who are celebrating holidays in December and January I extend my best wishes to you and yours; may everything that is good and wholesome come to you and yours in the coming year.

“The pleasantest things in the world are pleasant thoughts, and the great art in life is to have as many of them as possible.” C.N. Bovee

Masonic Musings

One of my favorite magazines is Positive Thinking; it is published in Pawling New York, and I think it is a magazine that descended from Brother Norman Vincent Peal’s ministry. In any event there is always something in the magazine I like to read. In a recent issue was a recipe for Pomegranate-Cranberry Sauce by Chef Kyle Shadix. He says that “Some scholars believe the Pomegranate was the fruit of the tree of life, Jewish tradition holds that its seeds match the number of Mitzvot, or good deeds, in the Torah.” I think that’s interesting, and after reading this I will look at the Pomegranate’s a little differently when the explanation of the pillars is delivered in the Second degree. Here’s the Chef’s Recipe in case you would like to try it this holiday season:

2 Cups (16 fluid ounces) of 100% Pomegranate Juice
1 Cup sugar
1 12-ounce bag (about 3 cups) of fresh or frozen Cranberries, and the zest of 1 Orange
1 11-ounce can of Mandarin Oranges, rinsed and drained
½ Cup Pomegranate seeds – this is optional – and something I’m going to skip. Those seeds are tough on the old guys who have dentures – I like to be nice to old people.
1. Bring the Pomegranate juice and Sugar to a boil.
2. Add Cranberries and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the berries just pop, takes about 10 or 12 minutes.
3. Stir in zest, Orange segments, and the Pomegranate seeds if you’re using them.
4. Cool for 24 hours. You need to plan ahead for this dish.
5. Serve it with Turkey or Chicken.
This recipe has 41 calories for a 2-tablespoon serving. 10g of carbs & 1g fiber everything else is zero

“Cookery is become an art, a noble science: Cooks are gentlemen.” Robert Burton

Freedom, Fervency and Zeal - Chalk, Charcoal & Clay - The three C’s of Freemasonry

The symbolism relating to Freedom Fervency and Zeal in our lectures today can also be found in the earliest known records of degree work in the eighteenth century. These three qualities of the Entered Apprentice are said to distinguish the servitude of the Apprentice:[i] The word ‘Servitude’ being used here is, to me, interesting especially when we explore the meaning of the three C’s.

The first C: Chalk = Freedom. Okay, servitude and why it’s interesting to me. One definition of freedom is to be a state of exemption from the control or power of another. Another definition would be not bound or not in any captivity; it is a rule in Freemasonry that no man can be initiated into any degree of Freemasonry who is at that time restrained or deprived of any of his liberties.

So servitude as it is used by Brother Mackey does not mean the Apprentice is in any respect in the position of being deprived of his freedom as a bondsman, serf or slave. As far as Freedom, Fervency and Zeal are concerned it means that the Apprentice’s work should be done freely and in Freedom; meaning willingly, generously, readily and without restraint. So the word freedom is not taken in this part of the ritual as meaning liberty. It is, rather, meant in the earlier Anglo-Saxon meaning of frankness and a generous willingness to work or perform one’s duty.

The second C: Charcoal = Fervency. As Charcoal symbolizes Fervency the Apprentice will show his fervency in his warmth, friendliness and earnestness, in his eagerness and willingness to learn the lessons of Freemasonry and in his willingness to help his Lodge as opportunities arise. A quality of Charcoal is also durability; it is so resistant and enduring that from the time when no man remembers when, surveyors would place a shovel full of Charcoal near a place or other marker, so that if the landmark were to be removed the charcoal would remain there for centuries until it is dug up by another surveyor. Charcoal will not be consumed or cease to exist until it has a source of oxygen and has been touched by fire. When applying the symbolism of Charcoal to the Mason - his devotion to duty, his willingness and eagerness, his fervor for learning and working in Freemasonry will not be short lived.

The Third C: Clay = Zeal. Clay is an interesting symbol to represent Zeal, because Zeal is represented by enthusiasm, diligence and an ardent affection.

So to be zealous means to be ardently active, devoted and diligent in devotion to a task, or in this case to the fraternity. Clay is also interesting to me because, if you have ever tried farming or gardening in clay soil you know how ardent you need to be in working clay ground. Clay in this case represents mother earth which is always employed for man’s use. This also reminds me of the use each freemason can be to the Craft, and also to each other as friends and Brothers.

“The discovery of that which is true, and the practice of that which is good, are the two most important objects of philosophy.” Brother Voltaire

Things that aren’t so or things that appear to be something they are not.

Every once in a while a person will come face to face with the fact that what we know to be true just isn’t true after all. When this happens it can lead to an expression of an “Aha Moment,” like a light being turned on and finally the meaning of something is clear. Or it can lead to skepticism and demanding proof, because the belief held is so firm that no matter what - that persistent belief in a mistaken idea needs more than just an explanation to change.

A persistent belief in a mistaken idea is placed in a person’s mind by another; consistently repeating things that are not true and speaking as one who knows what he is talking about.
This is evident in some of the myths that have been promoted against some groups of people over the centuries by others who wanted to suppress or even eliminate them. This continues even today in many parts of the world, and also with the anti-Masons.

There is an interesting book that gives a good account of them called ‘Enemies Within – The Culture of Conspiracy in Modern America.[ii]’ When we study specialized history, such as this book does, we will find that almost every group might have at one time or another been the prey of another stronger group, which, I think, can be summed up as someone who is different from his neighbors, who is not known very well and is thus suspect in his beliefs and motives.
For a taste of what this book is about you could read the Short Talk Bulletin Volume 80 – October 2002 – No. 10 which is written by the book’s author Robert Alan Goldberg, and it makes for a good topic for a Lodge Education piece.

If you are still looking for a book to give to a Brother Mason this holiday season this book, while it is not a Masonic book, is a good book for Masons to read.

“All theory, dear friend, is grey, but the golden tree of actual life springs ever green.”
Brother Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe 1749-1832

From the Great light of Masonry = “Early in the morning of the twenty fifth day of the ninth month, which is month of Chislev, in the one hundred fortieth year, they rose and offered sacrifice, as the law directs, on the new altar of burnt offering that they had built. At the very season and on the very day that the Gentiles[iii] had profaned it, it was dedicated with songs and harps and lutes and cymbals. All the people fell on their faces and worshiped and blessed Heaven, who had prospered them. So they celebrated the dedication of the altar for eight days, and joyfully offered burnt offerings; they offered a sacrifice of well-being and a thanksgiving offering. They decorated the front of the temple with golden crowns and small shields; they restored the gates and the chambers for the priests, and fitted them with doors. There was very great joy among the people, and the disgrace brought by the Gentiles was removed. Then Judas and his brothers and all the assembly of Israel determined that every year at that season the days of dedication of the altar should be observed with joy and gladness for eight days, beginning with the twenty fifth day of the month of Chislev.[iv]” 1 Maccabees 4:52-59 in the Apocryphal / Deuterocanonical Books-The new Oxford Annotated Bible.

From the Study Notes: “Judas set the rededication of the Temple exactly three years after its pollution and three and a half years after Antiochus’ capture of Jerusalem, (see Daniel 7:25 and 2 Maccabees 10:3.) The Hanukkah[v] festival, celebrated for eight days like Solomon’s dedication of the first Temple (1 Kings 8:65-66,) and Hezekiah’s reconstruction (2 Chronicles 29:17,) commemorates this event.”

More Light – Mehr Licht ©, Masonic Matters © and T.F.S. ©, are sent out by E-mail at no charge to anyone who would like to receive them. If you enjoy these publications please share them with others. To subscribe to any one or all of these publications just send an E-mail to with Subscribe and the Title, or ‘all 3,’ in the subject line and you will be added to the list to receive the publication you want.

To read this issue of Masonic Matters in PDF click on this link:

With “Brotherly Love,”
Ed Halpaus
Grand Lodge Education Officer

Political Freedom, Religious Tolerance, Personal Integrity; Freemasonry – it’s not for everyone.
[i] Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry; Clegg 1929 edition.
[ii] By Robert Alan Goldberg – Yale University Press – ISBN 0-300-09000-5
[iii] Gentile literally means ‘other nations,’ In this quotation Gentile refers to the Greek Nation which had prevented the Jews from observing their religious practice in or out of their temple, which followed Antiochus’ capture of Jerusalem.
[iv] Special Thanks to Brother Stan Shapiro of Albert Pike Lodge for his help in understanding Biblical history.
[v] Hanukkah means ‘dedication.’